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I am fully committed to assist every student before, during and after the course. My mission is to do all that I can to ensure that each student's unique needs are met.

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Sonia Goldfarb

I am an enthusiastic and patient teacher, focused on helping each student achieve their best. I have been working as an English teacher since 2007 and teaching Spanish for more than five years now. 

Certified by International House Buenos Aires Teacher Training as a teacher of Spanish, I constantly seek professional development and training. I am also a PE teacher, so get ready to move and have fun!


As an intermediate level student, I took a oourse of individual lessons with Sonia in November 2022. She is an excellent teacher. She did special preparations before all of our classes, so as to tailor the conversations to my interests and needs. During class, she was positive, helpful and encouraging, and always tuned in to my capabilities, tempo, and interests. She also maintained a level of challenge to keep me progressing, in a supportive way. Our classes were very enjoyable too, with ready humour. She is very professional and competent as a teacher.
David Green, Australia, 2022

"IDEA Spanish arranged an excellent Spanish immersion experience for me in Bariloche. Sonia is a professional who truly cares about her students.  It was obvious that she thoughtfully prepared for each class using exciting material based on my individual interests and goals. I looked forward to each class where learning Spanish felt as enjoyable and as fun as spending time with a good friend. I was even invited to participate in fun activities outside of class. Muchas Gracias!"

Kevin A. Ryan, United States, 2016

"A língua espanhola sempre me encantou, desde muito pequena eu ouvia algumas palavras na casa da minha avó que era filha de espanhóis, e aquilo fazia muito bem aos meus ouvidos. Hoje com 54 anos tive a oportunidade de vim morar em Bariloche na Argentina e para aprender mais o espanhol, iniciei as aulas com a professora Sonia indicada por uma amiga. Bom, foi uma experiência muito boa, só tenho que fazer elogios para a professora Sonia, possui ótima didática, usa métodos simples para ensinar, tem dedicação, transparência, ela reúne todas as características de uma boa profissional que sabe o que faz, então a parabenizo por isso."

Val Wichmann, Araçatuba, SP, Brasil, 2016


"¡Muchas gracias por las clases de español en International House! Me gustaron mucho las clases. Siento que tengo más conocimiento que cuando empecé la clase. Me gustó que repetimos el vocabulario importante muchas veces. Así que era más rápido que memorizar las palabras. Y me gustaron los juegos y las canciones también. Esto hace que sea más divertido para aprender. ¡Gracias una vez más!"

Akina Koshima, alumna en International House Buenos Aires, 2013

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